Friday, June 6, 2014

Float Mail: An Innovative Email App for Android

Float Mail: An Innovative Email App for Android

FloatMail enables Android users to access their email from within any application including full screen apps. It is an extension of an app called Floatifications.

Here is a screen shot that illustrates a Floatification:

Here is a video of a similar extension for SMS messages. It is an excellent illustration of the convenience that Floatifications provide:

Receive email from within any app, without pausing the app, including fullscreen apps.

This is an extension for the app Floatifications published by Rob J. The floatifications app *must* be installed prior to installing FloatMail:

The app supports:
. Displays sender name and subject
. Display full email body
. Commands:
  - Open: Opens the email app inbox
  - Delete: Deletes the Floatification
  - Reply: Reply from within the email app
  - Quick Reply: Reply from within the Floatification
  - Delete All: Deletes all recent FloatMail Floatifications
  - Delete Message: Deletes the email message from the remote server
  - Mark as Read: Marks the message as read on the remote server

The app works with nearly all email accounts by supporting the following protocols: IMAP, IMAP-IDLE (Push Mail), POP3 & Exchange via EWS or IMAP.

Using this extension means you can do away with the status bar if you wish, disable your normal email notifications, and still be notified within FN for Email.

Available from GooglePlay:
